
Healthy Relationships

We just finished a unit on "Healthy Relationships." We made a wall display near our classroom because we felt that everyone in our high school would learn something from it. We invite you to come and see the display anytime.

It took a lot of work to research. First, we talked about healthy, mature relationships we had seen. The, we read articles. We watched videos. We took a lot of notes using the Cornell notes method. We thought about our own lives and experiences. We added new things to our working poster every day. We talked about using "I statements" to say our feelings in a mature way. 

We also learned about unhealthy and immature relationships. A lot of people we know are adults but they still have immature relationships. We saw videos and read articles about this, too. We learned that some behaviors are right "on the line" between immature and abusive. But we all agreed that violence is always abusive, so is bullying. 

Local calls- Confidential help.
Hallway Display
We put all of our learning together into this hallway display. A lot of high school students already looked at it. We added the phone numbers for where you can get help if you need it. Sometimes you have to get help for someone else- a friend, a relative, even an adult. If someone is being hurt, you call 911.

We're grateful for extra work space in the hallway.

Making a part of the display helps us summarize.
Working on the posters to share what we learned.
We put information in our Handbook.
Tyrone and Jaron got the lettering up.

We also put foldables in our
Handbook for Adulthood and wrote
about how we wanted to be in our future.
If the relationship is all about power and control, it is not healthy and it
is probably abusive.

Equality in relationships means the relationship is healthy and mature.

Healthy Relationships (usually after age 15) look like this.

Mature people say this.
Immature relationships are pretty common between about 13 and 25.

Abusive relationships can be at any age. Abuse can look like bullying in younger children.
We learned that you never have to accept abusive relationships. You are responsible for getting help for yourself if you are a victim. You can also help a friend or family member get help if they are being abused. 

It is never too late to get help for abuse. Also, abusers of any age can become healthy with training, therapy, counselling, treatment, and maturity. 

Talking about all this was helpful because of situations we face every single day.